blueAPACHE hosted our 20th anniversary celebration in style at The Plaza Ballroom in Melbourne last weekend. It was an evening of glamour, entertainment and style as guests were greeted with a stunning grand ballroom decorated with magnificent chandeliers, high ceilings and Spanish architecture.
Themed with ‘a touch of blue’, the evening was welcomed by Australia’s very own emcee, Vince Sorrenti. Guests in their best outfits were entertained throughout the night as they were treated to a table full of delectable chocolates and candy, as well as a donut wall! While many were having fun at the photo-booth, others simply enjoyed the music and danced as the 13-piece band on stage played wonderfully throughout the night.
“Saturday night presented an opportunity to bring together and recognise the people that have contributed to the success that blueAPACHE is today. Reflecting on the last 20 years, I am tremendously proud of the team we have at blueAPACHE, the relationships that we share with team members, customers, and business partners who are testament to blueAPACHEs core values. It was a truly incredible night and I look forward to celebrating our next milestone”, says Chris Marshall, Managing Director of blueAPACHE.
As the gala was also a celebration of Chris Marshall’s 40th birthday, Chris was surprised by a customised birthday cake modelled from his very first computer in the 1990s! Later in the evening, ventriloquist, Dean Atkinson, also kept the event exciting as he blended comedy and ventriloquism with his gift of the gab, leaving guests in tears!
“What an event! It was an honour being a part of such a grand celebration, and it was great to be able to experience and share that moment with some of our clients. It was also great connecting with co-workers and clients on a more personal level, well done!”, said Andre Harrington, Technical Account Manager at blueAPACHE.
It was a fantastic evening and seeing how everyone enjoying the event and celebrating the success of blueAPACHE together made the ball a stellar one to remember.

Credit: Pat Brunet / Event Photos Australia